Ask Magic 8

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Recent questions

Should I ayrate the front lawn?

just now

My reply is no

Not your business

just now

Reply hazy, try again


just now

Without a doubt

I am not the scared, easily triggered person you wanted to harm anymore

just now

Yes - definitely

Move on already

just now

Most likely

You do you realise your fist 💩doesn't bother me anymore, that you've over used it?

just now

As I see it, yes

should I break up with my gf

just now

Outlook not so good

should I breakup with my gf

just now

My sources say no

Should I reach out to her?

just now

It is decidedly so

She wants advice. Your support and opinion about her issue.

just now

As I see it, yes

So, listen to what she has to say, and then you say things like: “If I were you, I would do that or this…”

just now

You may rely on it

It depends on what she's asking you to do, but generally, that means she wants advice.

just now

My sources say no

If your daughter came to you and asked you what she should do what would you say

just now

Concentrate and ask again

will me and nate start to reunite and reconnect soon

just now

It is decidedly so

will me and nate date soon for a while

just now

Very doubtful

is nate going to date that girl soon

just now

You may rely on it

How long

just now

Ask again later

will me and nate reconnect soon

just now

Yes - definitely

Will he

just now

You may rely on it

Is he going to contact me

just now

Cannot predict now

am i being taken for granted?

just now

Reply hazy, try again

am i being taken for granted?

just now

Outlook good

am i being taken for granted?

just now

Ask again later

am i being taken for granted

just now

You may rely on it

ge your preggo leggings and grandma ads out of my computer, i be your arent even pregnant and do it for attention

just now

Concentrate and ask again

do i marry the person i love

just now

Don't count on it

Is it a good idea?

just now

My sources say no

Should I go to Lincoln?

just now

Ask again later

Why can't you just leave me alone, I want nothing to do with you and you are not welcome

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Go away, hedges are boring and her voice is like a strangled cat

just now

Don't count on it

Who in my YouTube feed putting hedge cutting and Sofia Vergara

just now

Very doubtful

Will H message tonight

just now

Signs point to yes

Did he sleep with someone else over the weekend

just now

Signs point to yes

Does H love me

just now

Very doubtful

Will i be able to sound proof my bedroom?

just now

As I see it, yes

should I go to Varsity

just now

Outlook good

should I go to Varsity

just now

My sources say no

should I go to Varsity

just now

Don't count on it

should I go to Varsity

just now

Better not tell you now

should i go south

just now

Reply hazy, try again

should I go South

just now


Who are the fearless vampire killers? A band’s song? A movie? Or strange slang I never heard about it?

just now

Outlook good


just now

Most likely

Do your new recruits know what's happening to your last batch in Norwich

just now

Without a doubt

You are a fvk head so fvk off, so obsesywoth my virginity and wanting to watch, paying men to date me

just now

Cannot predict now

I don't want anything you have to offer, I'm sick and tired of it since I was of legal age getting men to befriend and date me

just now

Yes - definitely

Same shæt different year, same thing you did with Yardley and the rest. Stop trying to get men to date men

just now

Very doubtful

I saw the messages online two weeks ago about me moving back here and how would a stranger I went ot first school know

just now

Outlook not so good

Why did you recruit people from my first school to pretend like they know me

just now

Very doubtful

Will I get away from the fvk heads who keep ruining my life and act they are helping

just now

It is certain

Will I hear from Israel so I can get away from these cvnts

just now

Very doubtful

Is my wallet at tianas

just now

Without a doubt

Should I smoke 1 more 3.5?

just now

Ask again later

Will she contact me soon?

just now

It is decidedly so

Anyone else think the ball saying better not tell you now should email when it can be bothered to answer

just now

You may rely on it

Will I see jeff in March

just now

Outlook good

Can cars have 10 wheels?

just now

My reply is no

Is he worried to tell me

just now

Don't count on it

Is he ok

just now

Very doubtful

should jack go out

just now

Reply hazy, try again

should jack go out

just now

My reply is no


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