Ask Magic 8

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Recent questions


just now

My sources say no


just now

Outlook not so good

Can we goipop

just now

It is certain

C an

just now

Don't count on it

Have we

just now

It is decidedly so


just now

Without a doubt


just now

Signs point to yes

Do I

just now

It is decidedly so

Do I

just now

Don't count on it

Will we

just now

Don't count on it

Will we

just now

It is decidedly so

will she

just now

Signs point to yes

your rectanger is 10 feet by 12 feet you want to expand it by 0.15. enter the area in square feet on the new expanded logo

just now

My sources say no

Should I message aunty tracey

just now

You may rely on it

Should I message aunty tracey

just now

Cannot predict now

What geological era are Cactocrinus multibrachiatus and Prolecanites gurleyi found in?

just now

Most likely

What geological era are Cactocrinus multibrachiatus and Prolecanites gurleyi found in?

just now

Cannot predict now

will i get into cornell

just now

Very doubtful

Is something wrong with my heart

just now

Cannot predict now

Is something wrong with my heart

just now

Outlook not so good

all i want is a day off from all this crap

just now

Outlook good

Did I do smth?

just now

My reply is no

Are we cool?

just now


Is it cause of her gf?

just now

Cannot predict now

Are we cool?

just now

Cannot predict now

Will Niamh be nice to me?

just now

As I see it, yes

Will I know

just now

Very doubtful

Should i

just now

Most likely

Shoul I

just now

It is decidedly so

Do i

just now

Signs point to yes

am quickly curious about AI in home appliances does it add value?

just now

Very doubtful

Does she

just now



just now

Outlook good


just now

Concentrate and ask again

Find any other way to get attention jeez

just now

Don't count on it

Ummm k who tf u talking about and do they know or is this another cast blame?

just now

Better not tell you now

caught my husband on camera putting something in my coffee without my knowledge. After confronting him with the proof he said it was just a vitamin (which turns out does not agree with me and I should not take…no wonder I have been feeling ill for weeks!) THOUGHTS? Should I tell on him yes or no

just now

Ask again later

Hi it’s not directed at you

just now

My reply is no

Will I be able to

just now

Ask again later

Should I ask Chris for protection?

just now

Outlook good

Just mind your own business and leave me alone

just now

Outlook not so good

Can an admin please contact me?

just now

Very doubtful

Can an.

just now

Cannot predict now

Can an.q

just now

Yes - definitely

Can you stop this person S.talking .e

just now

Better not tell you now

Is there anyone who admins this site please?

just now



just now

Reply hazy, try again

Like you!

just now

Cannot predict now

My life is hard enough i don't need A holes lil

just now

Signs point to yes

Get lost. You don't know me

just now

As I see it, yes

Get lost. You don't know me

just now

Most likely

why do i childrens clothing ads and christmas decorations?

just now

My reply is no

Can’t handle the truth?

just now

Don't count on it

Tesla was I right ?

just now

Signs point to yes

Did I do the right thing with the Tesla?

just now

Cannot predict now

Will i be able to sell mg h

just now

Very doubtful

Will i be able to sell mg

just now

Very doubtful

Stop judging everything I post

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Will i be able to sell some of my stuff?

just now

You may rely on it

Mind your own business

just now

Reply hazy, try again


just now

My reply is no

Are church people being unfair atm?

just now

It is certain

in I Hear America Singing, what Tone words used to describe the workers and what they are doing:

just now

Cannot predict now

Will Codie be able to stay pregnant this time?

just now

My sources say no

Hope she is safe

just now

Signs point to yes

Is she mine?

just now

Without a doubt

The cat?

just now

As I see it, yes

Eat my chocolate

just now

As I see it, yes

What would you do if I was there ?

just now

Outlook not so good

get lost ange

just now

My reply is no

get lost ange

just now

Outlook good

get lost ange

just now

Without a doubt


just now

Signs point to yes

No boo ebbnough

just now

Yes - definitely

But you’re okay?

just now

Reply hazy, try again

No one wants you’re comments

just now

Very doubtful

You think this is even a thing it’s not its a joke

just now

My reply is no

Annoying just jog off

just now

As I see it, yes

No one is talking to you every time you’re so strange

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Is it possible?

just now

Very doubtful

Just leave it

just now

Ask again later

Serious what is the point

just now

Better not tell you now


just now

Yes - definitely

You know nothing no.g

just now

Ask again later

Thought about this movie many years ago that’s bonkers you just made me remember

just now

As I see it, yes

everyone whos you are speaking of me. why the false m name?

just now

It is decidedly so

I love mona

just now

My sources say no


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