Should I ask this girl out for next weekend
just now
It is certain
Do I ask Rachel out next Friday
just now
Don't count on it
Do I ask out Rachel
just now
Concentrate and ask again
Will you contact me
just now
Signs point to yes
Where are cast iron hooks
just now
My sources say no
Where are cast iron hooks
just now
You may rely on it
will i get into all my unis
just now
My reply is no
will i get 5/5 offers
just now
Is Hannah's baby Tyler's?
just now
Outlook good
Does she actually like me
just now
My reply is no
Will he message within the hour
just now
Cannot predict now
Is he thinking about me
just now
Does he regret the other woman
just now
Without a doubt
Does he think I don't want to see anymore
just now
Don't count on it
Does he know why I'm sad
just now
My reply is no
Will H message tonight
just now
It is certain
Will I be rid of women
just now
Don't count on it
Will I get a new id
just now
Very doubtful
just now
Concentrate and ask again
just now
Outlook not so good
Will I get the Kuronami vandal in my shop tonight?
just now
My sources say no
Take a half day off of work tomorrow
just now
You may rely on it
Take a half day off of work tomorrow
just now
Ask again later
am i going to stay in uni?
just now
Most likely
should I have the ramen instead of rice
just now
Very doubtful
should I have the ramen instead of rice
just now
Ask again later
should I have the ramen instead of rice
just now
You may rely on it
Should I go to the gym
just now
Don't count on it
A student kicks a soccer ball three times. Another student records the distance, the amount of time the ball travels, and the average speed in the table shown below. How many seconds did it take for the ball to travel 30m during kick 3? (From STAAR 2017)
just now
You may rely on it
Should we have another baby?
just now
Will I be rid of this awful h obsessed troll
just now
Does H love me
just now
As I see it, yes
Is he truly waiting for me
just now
Signs point to yes
Should I wait for him to message me
just now
Outlook good
Not work related
just now
Signs point to yes
Why do I have wedding dress ads?
just now
Better not tell you now
Is someone pretending to be me on here
just now
It is certain
Will they ever get over their pathetic grudges?
just now
Reply hazy, try again
Are obsessed hockey nutters in town agaim?
just now
Does he have a crush on me?
just now
As I see it, yes
Who invennted the aurostar
just now
My sources say no
just now
As I see it, yes
Will today be a good day
just now
My sources say no
Will today be a good day
just now
Without a doubt
are you mad at shylah papa
just now
Cannot predict now
do I have a future with him?
just now
It is certain
Will I get a bF in highschool
just now
Yes - definitely
Will I get a BF in highschool
just now
Signs point to yes
Will I get a BFF in highschool
just now