Ask Magic 8

Ask Me Anything!

Type your question for Magic 8 in the box and click 'Go!' and your answer will appear!

Recent questions

did his family really not want him to marry an american

just now

Don't count on it

Will it work

just now

It is certain

Will it work

just now


Block him or no

just now

Signs point to yes

Should I block him after I sent the message or wait on a response

just now

Yes - definitely

Am I married to Kyle?

just now

My sources say no

Will I get a positive pregnancy test next week?

just now

My reply is no

Did we conceive a viable pregnancy this cycle?

just now

Reply hazy, try again

We will conceive a viable pregnancy in 2024?

just now

Signs point to yes

Will he survive?

just now

As I see it, yes

Will I get the house back?

just now

Signs point to yes

Am i a boy

just now

You may rely on it


just now

Concentrate and ask again

Will someone has a suprise for me today

just now

Don't count on it

Will someone has a suprise for me today

just now

Most likely

Should I call Dominique tonight?

just now

As I see it, yes

Will ppl

just now

Outlook not so good

Did she

just now

Outlook good

Should I text Dominique tomorrow?

just now

My reply is no

Will he text me soon?

just now


Does Dominique think about texting me?

just now

Without a doubt

Should I text him tonight?

just now

Outlook not so good

What's love and why people don't love again

just now

Signs point to yes

Does my girlfriend kiss me more

just now

My reply is no

Does my girlfriend kiss me more

just now

It is certain

Does my girlfriend kiss me more

just now

As I see it, yes

Does Alyssa kiss Nicholas more

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Will Mum understand what I need for accomodation?

just now

Very doubtful

Should I

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Will it help

just now

Without a doubt

Will it help

just now

My sources say no

Should I get it

just now

Ask again later

Should I get it

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Will I get it

just now


Will I get it

just now

Yes - definitely

Will I get it

just now

My reply is no

Will I get it

just now

Don't count on it

Write a program that uses a loop to find the first number between 1 and 100 that is divisible by both 7 and 5.

just now

It is decidedly so

Will we get an

just now

Reply hazy, try again


just now

You may rely on it

It was good though right.

just now

You may rely on it

It was good but I’m not one to blow my own crumpet!

just now

Ask again later

Did she like my breakfast?

just now

You may rely on it

I’m available most days but not on sundeas

just now

It is certain


just now

Most likely


just now

My reply is no

Any idea if someone can help make deserts ?

just now

Outlook not so good

Should I move to York?

just now

Cannot predict now

Should I move to York?

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Should I move to York

just now

Most likely

Will she realise it's the wrong environment for me?

just now

My sources say no

Will she apologise?

just now

Don't count on it

Will mum ring back?

just now

Yes - definitely

Will mum be more understanding about what I need?

just now

Very doubtful

Will Mum be more understanding of the kind of accomodation I newd

just now

Cannot predict now

Good news today

just now

Yes - definitely

Will we get good news soon

just now

Signs point to yes

Very petty and immature

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Bs just had one then those people have no lives

just now

It is certain

No more gestures

just now

It is decidedly so

No more gestures

just now

Signs point to yes

No more gestures

just now

Yes - definitely

Will that fist loser leave me alone?

just now

As I see it, yes

Will that feral fist loser leave me alone?

just now

Cannot predict now

Will my medicine arrive tonight

just now

My sources say no

Will my medicine arrive tonight

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Is Nelson going to be the horse for me

just now

Outlook good

Should i wait for the bus

just now

Don't count on it

Never have I ever laughed so hard I farted…

just now

Very doubtful

Never have I ever laughed so hard I farted…

just now

Reply hazy, try again

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

Outlook good

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

Outlook not so good

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

Cannot predict now

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

Without a doubt

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

My reply is no

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

My sources say no

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

Signs point to yes

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

My sources say no

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

It is certain

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

Very doubtful

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

Outlook not so good

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

You may rely on it

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

Most likely

AI will overtake humans in the future?

just now

Yes - definitely

AI will overtake humans in the future??!?!?!?!?

just now

Ask again later

AI will overtake humans in the future?!?!?!

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Is it better than the last one

just now

Outlook good

Do I take collagen

just now

Most likely

I am guessing The beans have been spilt

just now

Outlook good

Is someone confusing their high horse for an ascension journey?

just now

Yes - definitely

its this all abouy illusions?

just now

Outlook not so good

Enjoy the bottom of the barrel?

just now

Better not tell you now

Thank You

just now

Outlook not so good

Will it work?

just now

As I see it, yes

my boyfriend another child after having 3 should I give number 4?

just now

It is decidedly so

How do you treat a pathological liar?

just now

It is decidedly so

How do you treat a pathological liar?

just now

Most likely

How do you treat a pathological liar?

just now


is mahad my son

just now

Ask again later

should i leave for the marriot

just now

Outlook not so good

should i leave for the marriot right now

just now

It is decidedly so

Shall i leave cition

just now

My sources say no

Is Mahad in love?

just now

Better not tell you now

Should I reach out to him

just now

Better not tell you now

Should I reach out to him

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Am I pregnant

just now

My reply is no

How do you treat a pathological liar?

just now

Don't count on it

How do you treat a pathological liar?

just now

Ask again later

Hope you feel stupid for not getting

just now

Ask again later


just now

Most likely

why do cows make milk

just now

Outlook good


just now



just now

My reply is no

Curly or straight?

just now

As I see it, yes

Will the family stop. Interfere if we don’t have a bad day

just now

You may rely on it

Will Stella just go away and leave me alone ?

just now

As I see it, yes

When I ever meet somebody and fall in love

just now

My reply is no

Will anyone ever love me?

just now

Cannot predict now

should i try to backflip

just now

Don't count on it

should i try to backflip

just now

Better not tell you now

She didn’t bring my switch and my trip tomorrow

just now

Cannot predict now

Should I bring my DSI on my trip tomorrow?

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Should I bring my switch or my DS on my trip tomorrow?

just now

Reply hazy, try again

i just started with the care home ones

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Will she

just now

Outlook good

Should I

just now

It is decidedly so

Should I

just now

You may rely on it

Should I leave

just now

Cannot predict now

Will I get sheena

just now


Do we choose storm athletic over BEC

just now

Don't count on it

Do we choose storm athletic over BEC

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Will my

just now

Very doubtful

Will i

just now

It is certain

Will Stella just go away and leave me alone ?

just now

You may rely on it

Should I go to his tomorrow morning?

just now

My sources say no

Should I go to his tomorrow morning?

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Will I get nookie tomorrow

just now

You may rely on it

Will I get nookie tomorrow

just now

Very doubtful

Will I get nookie tomorrow

just now

Cannot predict now

Will I get nookie tomorrow

just now

As I see it, yes

Will I get nookie tomorrow

just now

As I see it, yes

Will I get nookie tomorrow

just now

My sources say no

Will trump win

just now

Outlook good

Will I get nookie tomorrow

just now

Yes - definitely

Will they get married

just now

Cannot predict now

Will they be happy

just now

As I see it, yes

Does Paul love carol

just now

You may rely on it

Does she love Murphy

just now

Without a doubt

Do I eat at home

just now

It is decidedly so

Does Carol love me

just now

Most likely

Do I eat the food at home

just now

Better not tell you now

Do I get McDonald’s?

just now

It is decidedly so

Do I get McDonald’s or eat the food at home

just now

Better not tell you now

Will we get the bungalow

just now

Yes - definitely

Will we get the bungalow

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Am I going to sleep with JJ

just now

Yes - definitely

If i stop masturbating will i get a girlfriend?

just now

You may rely on it

Place and a time

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Am I going?

just now

Signs point to yes

Am I going?

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Am I going?

just now

It is certain

Magi88 You smell like beef and cheese

just now

You may rely on it

Hi Is polygamy aa real thing ? There is. Other woman is too obsessed with with my bf to allow any sharing him. I'm also not sure if I wanna share but I it's unfortunate that we couldn't rekindle before they made a baby with this other woman Should I stay ?

just now

Without a doubt

Which of the following statements are true when it comes to the no drive zone

just now

Yes - definitely

Jubba bubba

just now

Better not tell you now


just now

My reply is no


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