Ask Magic 8

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Recent questions

should i look for bbc on grindr?

just now

It is certain

Do I need to have my appendix removed

just now

It is decidedly so

Will I hear today about the job?

just now

Ask again later

Will I hear today about the job?

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Will I hear today about the job?

just now

It is decidedly so

Is Hillary having a boy

just now

Most likely

Is Hillary having a boy

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Is Hillary having a girl

just now


Will Hillary have another boy

just now

Yes - definitely

Will I hear today about Vineridge?

just now

You may rely on it

riize is 7?

just now

Better not tell you now

will be seunghan back in riize?

just now

My sources say no


just now

Cannot predict now

will be seunghan back in riize?

just now

My sources say no

will be seunghan back in riize?

just now

My reply is no

Will Sundar be back?

just now

As I see it, yes

should i block will?

just now

Signs point to yes

So like i really need to understand so basically i been talking to this boy for one day right but he never seen my face, the next day i sent him my face and he blocked me MIND YOU the video i sent was not ugly i actually looked good in it and this situation happened to me twice. Im just not understanding what this means?

just now

It is decidedly so

So like i really need to understand so basically i been talking to this boy for one day right but he never seen my face, the next day i sent him my face and he blocked me MIND YOU the video i sent was not ugly i actually looked good in it and this situation happened to me twice. Im just not understanding what this means?

just now

It is decidedly so

Will she msg me

just now

It is decidedly so

Does my girlfriend love me

just now

Very doubtful

That’s not really accurate the answer would be better in degrees-north

just now

Outlook good

North by north west

just now

Yes - definitely

Somewhere between north-by-northwest and north-by-northeast

just now

Signs point to yes

will i go to university soon?

just now

It is certain

will i go to university soon?

just now

Concentrate and ask again

What should I make a slide show about just for fun?

just now

Very doubtful

What should I make my cap cut about

just now

As I see it, yes

Will B message tomorrow

just now

Without a doubt

Is the vineridge Job mine?

just now

It is decidedly so

What the android auto

just now

Without a doubt

FFS, on a side note who calls me rosie

just now

Outlook good

FFS, on a side note who calls me rosie

just now

It is certain


just now

Outlook not so good

Am I pregnant

just now

My sources say no


just now

As I see it, yes

Am I pregnant

just now

It is decidedly so

im a cool

just now

Without a doubt

How long do I stay at this job

just now

Don't count on it

How long do I stay at this job

just now

Don't count on it

Starting from a point along the Equator, a man walks five kilometers towards the south and then turns to the right. After walking seven kilometers, he turns right again and walks twelve kilometers. In which direction is he from his starting place?

just now

Most likely

Starting from a point along the Equator, a man walks five kilometers towards the south and then turns to the right. After walking seven kilometers, he turns right again and walks twelve kilometers. In which direction is he from his starting place?

just now

Ask again later

No, she will definitely win. She truly cares for the people and is the best option…

just now

Without a doubt

No, she will definitely win. She truly cares for the people and is the best option…

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Kamala Harris will win, right?

just now

My reply is no

Kamala Harris will win, right?

just now

It is certain

Kamala Harris will win, right?

just now

Outlook not so good

Kamala Harris will win, right?

just now

Cannot predict now

Kamala Harris will win, right?

just now

Cannot predict now

G will I have success?

just now


what is kathy thai doing for halloween

just now

It is certain

Will Gary live to be 20 years old or more

just now

It is certain

is danilo thinking of me?

just now

It is certain

is it time to move on from my feelings towards danilo santos?

just now

Cannot predict now

am I the only one interested on Danilo Santos and not having the same feelings for me?

just now

You may rely on it

Does Danilo Santos has ever had interest on me ever since?

just now

Ask again later

Does Danilo Santos has crush on me?

just now

Better not tell you now

am i a woman?

just now

You may rely on it

am i a woman?

just now

It is certain

What test devices are you holding right now

just now

My sources say no

who were connor mcgreggors last three opponents

just now

My reply is no

Good luck g

just now

Reply hazy, try again

Good luck g

just now

Outlook good

Good luck g

just now

You may rely on it

Good luck g

just now

Signs point to yes

Is someone really a witch

just now

Most likely

Should we stay in dallas or move Sacramento

just now

Without a doubt

Should I tell cooper how I feel?

just now

Most likely

Will I get a A,B in my alevel results

just now

Most likely

Were the spirits talking about David?

just now

Better not tell you now

Am I crazy?

just now

Very doubtful

Will I like in Asheville?

just now

Without a doubt


just now

Yes - definitely

Is my child ill

just now

My reply is no

Shall I go on weds

just now

Concentrate and ask again

Should I call him

just now

Outlook good

Should I text him

just now

Very doubtful

Will I ever be fixed

just now

It is decidedly so

Will it be again

just now

Outlook good

history of embryology in the following heading: 1. brief introduction 2. ancient view of human embryology 3. embryology in the middle age 4. embryology in renaissance period 5. reference

just now

My reply is no

Will doctor nihal marry saeid ?

just now

As I see it, yes

Will doctor nihal marry saeid ?

just now

Cannot predict now

Will doctor nihal marry saeid ?

just now

My reply is no

Indeed doesn't work, must be desperate to see where I'm applying next

just now

Outlook not so good

Whos in my phone? Everything is messing about Cadbury ads are back. Garmin is tripping

just now

It is certain

Will Donald Trump win?

just now

Without a doubt

Will Kamala Harris win the 2024 Presidential Election?

just now

Cannot predict now


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